Dental Services in Minot, ND

Maintaining oral health includes good home care and regular visits to our office for preventive care, which includes oral examinations and cleanings. Even with excellent care, however, teeth and gums can be susceptible to disease, infection, cavities, cracks, or other forms of damage.
Comprehensive examinations of the mouth, teeth, surrounding gum tissues, and supporting bone structures help with early detection and treatment of problematic conditions. Restorative dentistry is the aspect of dentistry that helps maintain oral and overall health even when the health of one or more teeth or the surrounding areas is compromised.
Why We Love Serving Minot, ND
Our dentists offer a wide range of services to the people of Minot. Our mission is to exceed the expectations of every patient. Our doctors and the entire team here at Dakota Dental Health Center are laser-focused on serving our patients. Because of all of the amazing relationships that we’ve created over the years and continue to create, we love coming into the office every day.
Our goal is always to help our patients maintain their oral health and to care for and protect their natural teeth.
Restorative dentistry helps preserve natural teeth. The goal of restorative dentistry is to restore the function and integrity of the tooth structure, function, and health, while maintaining a natural appearance.
Our office also specializes in cosmetic dentistry. This means that we not only pay attention to the health and function of your teeth, but we also pay close attention to aesthetics. We want you to maintain great oral health but we also want you to have a beautiful smile and the confidence to smile often!
Dental Services Provided By Dakota Dental Health Center
Here at Dakota Dental Health Center, we pride ourselves on being one of the most proficient dental offices in Minot and the surrounding areas. We provide a wide array of services that focus on preventing as well as solving oral health issues. We approach dentistry from a whole-body health perspective, which means that we aren’t just solving problems in a patient’s mouth; instead, we are helping them to become healthy overall.
Endodontic Services
Endodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the dental pulp inside of a tooth. Within the dental pulp are the tooth nerves. When a tooth is compromised, the inside can be susceptible to decay. An endodontist treats the inside of the tooth in order to save the tooth structure.
Our primary goal is to save your natural teeth whenever possible. Root canal, or endodontic, treatment may be necessary when the pulp tissue inside the root canals of a tooth becomes infected or damaged, which can be caused by dental trauma or decay. The pulp, which is located inside the root canals, contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. A tooth generally has between one and four root canals. A root canal procedure may be performed on a single root canal or multiple root canals within a tooth.
Endodontic Services
Root Canal Treatment
Periodontal Services
Periodontics is the dental specialty that deals with the hard and soft tissues that support teeth. Periodontal disease refers to gum disease. Periodontal procedures are usually performed to save or rebuild the jaw bone and/or gums in order to save teeth or allow for the placement of dental implants.
The doctor will monitor your gum health during every appointment for gum disease, and intervene at an early stage with more frequent professional teeth cleanings in order to renew oral health and prevent the advancement of gum disease to more severe periodontitis. At this stage, patients need more invasive treatments and may experience numerous adverse oral and overall health effects.
Pediatric Dentistry
Pedodontics, or pediatric dentistry, refers to dentistry for children. It is important to take care of a child’s first teeth, their primary teeth, because they aid in speech development, allow food to be properly chewed, and maintain space for permanent teeth. It is also important to develop good lifelong dental habits early on.
We will help you teach your children the proper way to take care of their teeth and show them that going to the dentist can be fun. We want to provide the best pediatric experience possible. An experience that is calm and inviting. Many parents choose to have our dentists treat their children because of their ability to deal with all types of child behavior and special needs.
Oral Surgery Procedures
Pedodontics, or pediatric dentistry, refers to dentistry for children. It is important to take care of a child’s first teeth, their primary teeth, because they aid in speech development, allow food to be properly chewed, and maintain space for permanent teeth. It is also important to develop good lifelong dental habits early on.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to extract a tooth, whether because it’s an impacted wisdom tooth, a baby tooth that isn’t coming loose on its own, or it is a tooth too damaged by injury or decay to be saved by endodontic treatment. That’s why our doctors offer oral surgery such as tooth extractions at our practice.
You can learn more about our practice by checking our business page, and make sure to get directions before heading our way.