Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Aren’t root canals really painful?
No not at all, with proper anesthesia, having a root canal done is no more difficult than a routine filling appointment with your dentist in Minot.
Don’t root canal teeth just end up being pulled anyway because they usually don’t work?
If done to the standards we hold to treatment success is over 90%. For more challenging cases we like to have root canal specialists treat the tooth to ensure we get the very best result possible.
Why does the tooth need a crown after the root canal is done?
Many times there is very little healthy tooth structure left to support a routine filling so that can’t be done. The crown restores the tooth to nearly its original strength and help prevent fracture of the tooth.
Why doesn’t my insurance plan cover root planing and scaling (RPS)?
Nearly all plans are set up to cover “routine” adult cleanings or a preventative procedure. In other words, a cleaning is for a healthy mouth look at it as a Dental wellness visit. RPS is indicated when a diagnosis of periodontal disease has been made.
Don’t root canal teeth just end up being pulled anyway because they usually don’t work?
If done to the standards we hold to treatment success is over 90%. For more challenging cases we like to have root canal specialists treat the tooth to ensure we get the very best result possible.
Why does the tooth need a crown after the root canal is done?
Many times there is very little healthy tooth structure left to support a routine filling so that can’t be done. The crown restores the tooth to nearly its original strength and help prevent fracture of the tooth.
Can’t you just clean my teeth?
After a comprehensive exam which includes full periodontal probing, soft and hard tissue exam along with needed radiographs a diagnosis will be made and discussed. The diagnosis leads us to the required treatment. A cleaning doesn’t Get below the gum line to remove bacteria and infection that destroy the soft Tissue like RPS does. Treatment is customized for every patient dependent on their need and the diagnosis made.
How long will RPS last?
We can’t cure periodontal disease or get lost bone back. The RPS will remove the harmful bacterial tarter. Maintaining regular hygiene visits and excellent daily oral hygiene will prevent the disease process from coming back or getting worse, that’s the goal, stop the disease in its tracks. Often times patients with a history of periodontal disease must be seen more than two times a year to maintain a healthy mouth.
I don’t have any pain, is this necessary?
Periodontal disease is not painful. It is only discovered after a complete exam which must include the probing or measuring around the pockets of all teeth.
Do you see kids?
We love seeing kids in our office. They will receive the same quality and attention to detail that our adult patients receive. Kids will see a hygienist and receive only the highest quality cleaning and exam. Setting them up for a lifetime of excellent dental health.
Can you take out my wisdom teeth?
After a thorough clinical and radiographic exam, we will determine if your case is something we can do. We do remove wisdom teeth but determine whether it is necessary on a case by case basis.
Can you give me something for anxiety before my surgery?
Yes, we can give you something orally to relax you along with using nitrous oxide (happy gas) to control and reduce anxiety.
Do you do implants?
We work closely with specialists who have placed hundreds of implants to place the implant for use. We make the restoration after the implant is healed. As your general dentist in Minot, we head up your team to ensure only the best result possible.
Why do I have to wait so long after the implant is placed to get my crown?
Typically 4-6 months are required for the implant to heal and be ready to restore. However, every case is different and by collaborating with the surgeon we will restore when the implant is sufficiently healed.
Are CEREC crowns as strong as crowns a lab makes?
Absolutely. In fact the material is many times exactly the same, we simply value your time and remove the middle man and the two week wait.
How long will the appointment take?
Typically we plan for 90 minutes.
How long have you been doing same day crowns?
We have been providing this exciting service since the early 2000’s.
Do they look natural?
Yes. By using only the strongest and most aesthetic material these crowns Are as beautiful as a natural tooth.
As your dentist in Minot, we provide only the very best in comprehensive family dentistry, from cosmetic dentistry to dental implants. We refuse to compromise on anything from our continuing education and training to the products we use to serve our patients. We simply refuse to compromise and offer only the best for our patients. Every patient every time!